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Header Nibs

Product ID: NIBS

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For many years, CB Carbide has been the leading supplier of rough core and semi-finished nibs to the fastener industry. CB Carbide continues to be the standard for heading applications.
.Also available in EA90, VA90 and VA95.
Symbol Unit EA65 VA70 VA80
WC 83 85 80
CO 17 15 20
Compressive Strength kgf / mm2 380 370 320
Density g / cc 13.70~13.85 13.95~14.12 13.52~13.67
Hardness HRA 84.0~85.0 84.5~85.5 83.0~84.3
Transverse Rupture kgf / mm2 290 260 250
Impact Strength kg / cm2 0.80 0.78 0.85

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rods, cutting chips, cutting blades, tools, dies, tungsten powder