In - Circuit Tester(ICT)
Product ID: MASTER-9001R, MASTER-9001T, MASTER-9001D, MASTER-9001DT
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In-Circuit Tester (ICT) board tester which designs for the open, short and components mounted incorrectly faults. It can detect all different kinds of assembly defects such as wrong device, wrong value, wrong orientation...etc. for different types of components such as resister, capacitor, inductor, diode, transistor and jumper...etc.
- Excellence performance with affordable price.
- Very high detective rate from the falut spectrum.
- Faster speed means high throughput.
- Test program generation in few hours.
- Test Fixture costs less than half compared with the ICT test fixture.
N/A | Master-9001R | Master-9001T | Master-9001D | Master-9001DT |
Open/Sfort Test | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
IC Presence/Orientation | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Digital Transistor | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Capacitor Polarity(SMD) | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Connector Open | NO | Yes | No | Yes |
SMD IC Open Lead | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
BGA | No | NO | Yes | Yes |
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oscilloscope, generator, power supply, in - circuit tester