BoMing focus on high quality and high technology all the time, we don’t like other Chinese factories always reduce quality just for cheaper prices. Because we know the excellent products will bring the high quality enjoyness and the secure driving life to users. We understand the good reputation is the priceless treasure, so we are making every endeavor to make BoMing became the most trusted brand in this industry.
Now BoMing owns 14000 Sq. Meters workshops, hundreds of CNC machines, screw machines ,forging machines and other equipments. BoMing is running under ISO 9001:2000 quality management system, we obtains CE,TUV certificates. Recently our products have included tire valves, wheel weights, tire repair material and tools, tire pressure gauges, wiper blades ,automotive service equipments, and other accessories. We also have a strong R&D ability to ensure customers’ idea and design come true.
BoMing is growing up everyday, now 90% of our products are exported to North American and European markets. We are developing more and more potential markets to ensure everyone in the world have a chance to use our excellent products.
Enjoy BoMing products, Enjoy the best driving life.
Company Profile
Factory LocationNingbo,Zhejiang,China
Established in1999
Annual Sales:30.000.000
No. of Employee180
Business types
- OEM Manufacturer
- ODM Manufacturer
North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / Australia / New Zealand