Solar Home lighting System
1) A universal solar power system for family, office, camping events, as well as
field works
2) An alternative power solution for areas short of public utility
3) Compact, durable and highly efficient
1) A home lighting system driving up to three 12V DC lamps
2) A charger for fixed wireless phones, cellphones and small electronics gadgets
3) A home power system driving 12V DC electrical fans, TVs and radios
4) A camping power system driving small coolers and camping lanterns
5) A handy field power system driving electric screwdrivers, electric drills, and
soldering irons
1) A universal solar power system for family, office, camping events, as well as
field works
2) An alternative power solution for areas short of public utility
3) Compact, durable and highly efficient
1) A home lighting system driving up to three 12V DC lamps
2) A charger for fixed wireless phones, cellphones and small electronics gadgets
3) A home power system driving 12V DC electrical fans, TVs and radios
4) A camping power system driving small coolers and camping lanterns
5) A handy field power system driving electric screwdrivers, electric drills, and
soldering irons
.portable solar powerFeatures
.solar home powersystemsMain Products
photovoltaic solar cells, photovoltaic solar panels, solar systems