Chaste Tree Extract--Botanical means of lenitive
Chasteberry (Vitex trifolia L.var.simplicifolia Cham.), or monk's pepper, is the fruit of the chaste tree. The berry of the chaste tree contains a number of active constituents: flavonoids, iridoid glycosidesand essential oils. Casticin is one of the main Flavonoids in the Chasteberry, our product, chasteberry fruit ext., is assayed by casticin, which ranges from 0.5-2%.
Medicine Functions: in traditional medicines, the chasteberry was used to cure headache, influenza, gingivitis, ophthalmia, lighted-head disease. Modern herbal researches have proved that chasteberry can significantly inhibit hypothyroid peroxidase, resist cancer, low blood pressure, resist inflammation and alleviate hyperkinesias. The greatest use of Chasteberry, however, lies in normalizing the activity of female sex hormones, and it is thus indicated for dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual stress and other disorders related to hormone function.
Chasteberry (Vitex trifolia L.var.simplicifolia Cham.), or monk's pepper, is the fruit of the chaste tree. The berry of the chaste tree contains a number of active constituents: flavonoids, iridoid glycosidesand essential oils. Casticin is one of the main Flavonoids in the Chasteberry, our product, chasteberry fruit ext., is assayed by casticin, which ranges from 0.5-2%.
Medicine Functions: in traditional medicines, the chasteberry was used to cure headache, influenza, gingivitis, ophthalmia, lighted-head disease. Modern herbal researches have proved that chasteberry can significantly inhibit hypothyroid peroxidase, resist cancer, low blood pressure, resist inflammation and alleviate hyperkinesias. The greatest use of Chasteberry, however, lies in normalizing the activity of female sex hormones, and it is thus indicated for dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual stress and other disorders related to hormone function.
- Chaste Tree Extract
- Chaste Tree Extract of 2% Vitexicarpin
- Chaste Tree Extract
- Chaste Tree Extract--Botanical means of lenitive.
- Medicine Functions: in traditional medicines, the chasteberry was used to cure headache, influenza, gingivitis, ophthalmia, lighted-head disease. Modern herbal researches have proved that chasteberry can significantly inhibit hypothyroid peroxidase, resist cancer, low blood pressure, resist inflammation and alleviate hyperkinesias. The greatest use of Chasteberry, however, lies in normalizing the activity of female sex hormones, and it is thus indicated for dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual stress and other disorders related to hormone function.
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