diamond saw balde,diamond cutting disc,saw balde,cutting disc
Product ID: diamond saw balde
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I Company specializing in the production of I company specializing in the production of diamond saw blade of a sharp cutting edge of collapse, as well as other advantages, and better control of the situation. Also based on specific customer requirements established by the thickness of cutting some of the marble, glass, glass, ceramic materials of any kind of cutting hard and brittle with good results, and so on. Welcome to buy
Classified by usage:
1. For glass, Diameter: 85mm - 500mm
2. For stones, e.g granit, gem. 110mm - 500mm
3. For concrete. 110mm - 800mm
Classified by usage:
1. For glass, Diameter: 85mm - 500mm
2. For stones, e.g granit, gem. 110mm - 500mm
3. For concrete. 110mm - 800mm
.sharp ,hard waringMain Products
synthetic diamond ,diamond tools