Our main products are Backpack, Mountain bags, Travel bags, Trolley bags, Waist bags, Sports bags, Ladies handbags, Shopping bags, Cosmetic bags, Shoulder bags, Briefcase, Computer bags, Camera bags and Medical bags.
We have a large scale production facility covering 8000 square meters, 10 professional designers to develop fashionable styles, 500 skilled workers to control the best quality, 8 experienced salesmen to offer responsible service.
From the day of factory established, we always insist the best price, the best quality and the best service, which help us to establish long terms partnership with many clients.
The satisfaction and trust from clients is our forever pursuit, so we make a solemn guarantee as below:
1. We will offer our best price to meet your target price, so you can greatly reduce import cost and improve market rates.
2. We will try our best to introduce new bags styles for your local market attraction.
3. We will support clients’ small quantity of a trial order, for the purpose of an easy business start.
4. We will stick to professional and responsible service to improve your working efficiency.
5. We will pay more attention to risk control, such as making good quality and quantity under control, finishing production and shipping container on time, designing new bags sample to meet your receiving satisfaction, offering careful OEM bags production service.
Company Profile
Factory LocationQuanzhou,Fujian,China
Established in2000
Capital250 Million USD
Annual Sales:1000 Million USD
No. of Employee800
Business types
- OEM Manufacturer
- Exporter/Agent
North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Australia / New Zealand