What is the Electronic Cigar:
The Revolutionary Smoking or Quit Smoking, The Electronic Cigar, is made under supervision of China Health Care Society with the China Patents. Electronic Cigar is made from microelectronic control and supercritical atomizing technologies. It looks like a cigar, however there is no tar. It does smoke, however there is no smoking pollution material. You do not need any ignition and fire for smoking it, however it lets you enjoy and satisfy those tactile taste sensations without any risk and
Dependence on tobacco. It gives you the same feeling of a tobacco cigar or cigarette without suffering any tar smoking damages. Actually, you can smoke healthily without any environmental pollution.
How it works:
Electronic Cigar consists of a stainless steel shell, lithium ion battery, micro-electronic circuit, atomizing chamber, and indicator light at the head of the Electronic Cigar. It can make smokers enjoy the same pleasure as that of traditional Cigar when inhaling the nicotine smog droplet, imitating the whole process of smoking. Electronic Cigar creates a healthy smoking cultural atmosphere, and has been eulogized by authoritative experts as the perfect combination of modern micro-electronic technology, biological technology and the conception of healthy life.
1set Electronic Cigar will include: 1x E-cigar; 1x charger; 1x instruction; 24x atomized cartridge.
The Revolutionary Smoking or Quit Smoking, The Electronic Cigar, is made under supervision of China Health Care Society with the China Patents. Electronic Cigar is made from microelectronic control and supercritical atomizing technologies. It looks like a cigar, however there is no tar. It does smoke, however there is no smoking pollution material. You do not need any ignition and fire for smoking it, however it lets you enjoy and satisfy those tactile taste sensations without any risk and
Dependence on tobacco. It gives you the same feeling of a tobacco cigar or cigarette without suffering any tar smoking damages. Actually, you can smoke healthily without any environmental pollution.
How it works:
Electronic Cigar consists of a stainless steel shell, lithium ion battery, micro-electronic circuit, atomizing chamber, and indicator light at the head of the Electronic Cigar. It can make smokers enjoy the same pleasure as that of traditional Cigar when inhaling the nicotine smog droplet, imitating the whole process of smoking. Electronic Cigar creates a healthy smoking cultural atmosphere, and has been eulogized by authoritative experts as the perfect combination of modern micro-electronic technology, biological technology and the conception of healthy life.
1set Electronic Cigar will include: 1x E-cigar; 1x charger; 1x instruction; 24x atomized cartridge.
.No tar No carcinogenic substancesMain Products
1) Electronic Cigarette 2) mini cigarette 3) e-pipe .