For the electronic measurement of voltages: AC, DC IMPL.,etc.,with galvanic isolation between the primary (high voltage) and the secondary (electronic) circuits.
Main technical data:
1. Primary normal voltage VPN: 200V r.m.s
2. Primary voltage, measuring range VP: 0~+/-300V
3. Primary normal r.m.s current: 10mA
4. Secondary normal current: 50mA r.m.s
5. Conversion ratio: 200V/50mA
6. Measuring resistance: RMmin RMmax
with +/-15V~+/-24V @ +/-200V max: 0 ohm 150 ohm
@ +/-300V max: 50 ohm 100 ohm
7. Supply voltage(+/-5%): +/-15V~+/-24V
8. Current consumption: 35mA+ Secondary output current
9. Isolation test: Between the primary circuit and the secondary circuit(+.-.M): 6kVrms/50Hz/1min
10. R.m.s voltage for partial discharge extinction @10 pc: 2.2kV
Accuracy - Dynamic performance data:
1. Accuracy @ VPN, TA=+25°C: +/-1%
-40 °C ~+85 °C: +/-3%
2. Non-linearity @ VPN, TA=+25 °C: better than +/-0.1%
3. Offset voltage @ VP=0, TA=+25 °C: not more than +/-0.25mA
-40 °C ~+85 °C: not more than +/-0.75mA
4. Response time @90% of VPN: about 4us
5. Frequency bandwidth (-3dB): DC to 15kHz
General data:
1. Operating temperature: -40°C ~+85°C
2. Storage temperature: -50 °C ~+85 °C
3. Total primary power loss: 2W
4. Primary resistance @ TA=+25 °C: 20 kilohm
5. Weight: 350g
6. Standards: EN 50155
For the electronic measurement of voltages: AC, DC IMPL.,etc.,with galvanic isolation between the primary (high voltage) and the secondary (electronic) circuits.
Main technical data:
1. Primary normal voltage VPN: 200V r.m.s
2. Primary voltage, measuring range VP: 0~+/-300V
3. Primary normal r.m.s current: 10mA
4. Secondary normal current: 50mA r.m.s
5. Conversion ratio: 200V/50mA
6. Measuring resistance: RMmin RMmax
with +/-15V~+/-24V @ +/-200V max: 0 ohm 150 ohm
@ +/-300V max: 50 ohm 100 ohm
7. Supply voltage(+/-5%): +/-15V~+/-24V
8. Current consumption: 35mA+ Secondary output current
9. Isolation test: Between the primary circuit and the secondary circuit(+.-.M): 6kVrms/50Hz/1min
10. R.m.s voltage for partial discharge extinction @10 pc: 2.2kV
Accuracy - Dynamic performance data:
1. Accuracy @ VPN, TA=+25°C: +/-1%
-40 °C ~+85 °C: +/-3%
2. Non-linearity @ VPN, TA=+25 °C: better than +/-0.1%
3. Offset voltage @ VP=0, TA=+25 °C: not more than +/-0.25mA
-40 °C ~+85 °C: not more than +/-0.75mA
4. Response time @90% of VPN: about 4us
5. Frequency bandwidth (-3dB): DC to 15kHz
General data:
1. Operating temperature: -40°C ~+85°C
2. Storage temperature: -50 °C ~+85 °C
3. Total primary power loss: 2W
4. Primary resistance @ TA=+25 °C: 20 kilohm
5. Weight: 350g
6. Standards: EN 50155
- Close loop (compensated) voltage transcucer
- Galvanic isolation between primary and secondary circuit
- Insulated plastic case made of black PC recognized according to UL 94-V0
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
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