The professional provides the technical stability of blood glucose test strips
The professional provides the technical stability of blood glucose test strips
Product ID: Blood glucose test
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The professional provides the technical stability of blood glucose test strips
The company providing high Temperature and stored stability of Blood glucose test strips for customers , the stability of the production techniques Make Blood glucose test strips with 18 months of stable shelf life.
At present our company offer two kinds of Blood glucose test strips for stable technology for customers :
A.Blood glucose test strips high-temperature stability technical
Blood glucose test strips in thermal stability of 40 to 60 ℃
B.Ensure Storage shelves stability of Blood glucose test strips in normal-temperature
Ensure the production of Blood glucose test strips for 18 months with stable shelf life.
Address Rm.B106,No.13-1,West-KongMing Rd.,Overseas Chinese High-Tech Venture Park,Guilin, Guangxi, China
Tel 86-0773-5828695
Fax 86-0773-5613503
E-mail tlaa163@163.com
Zip Code 541004
Q Q 347752162
MSN glpz163@hotmail.com
Contact:Mrs Yu Zhen
Mobile +86 13978330117
http://www.bio-glpz.com (China)
http://www.bloodglucoseteststrips.cn (English)
Blood glucose test strips, Blood Glucose Meter, stability.
The company providing high Temperature and stored stability of Blood glucose test strips for customers , the stability of the production techniques Make Blood glucose test strips with 18 months of stable shelf life.
At present our company offer two kinds of Blood glucose test strips for stable technology for customers :
A.Blood glucose test strips high-temperature stability technical
Blood glucose test strips in thermal stability of 40 to 60 ℃
B.Ensure Storage shelves stability of Blood glucose test strips in normal-temperature
Ensure the production of Blood glucose test strips for 18 months with stable shelf life.
Address Rm.B106,No.13-1,West-KongMing Rd.,Overseas Chinese High-Tech Venture Park,Guilin, Guangxi, China
Tel 86-0773-5828695
Fax 86-0773-5613503
E-mail tlaa163@163.com
Zip Code 541004
Q Q 347752162
MSN glpz163@hotmail.com
Contact:Mrs Yu Zhen
Mobile +86 13978330117
http://www.bio-glpz.com (China)
http://www.bloodglucoseteststrips.cn (English)
Blood glucose test strips, Blood Glucose Meter, stability.
- Blood Glucose Test Strips
- Blood Glucose Test Strips,Blood Glucose Meter, stability,electric printing ink,silk screen printing,hydrophilic film,enzyme electrode,Biological conductive slurry,Biological insulating slurry,Biological conductive electrode slices
Main Products
Blood Glucose Test Strips