Blood glucose test strips special enzymes spraying and printing paste
Blood glucose test strips special enzymes spraying and printing paste
Product ID: Blood glucose test s
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Blood glucose test strips special enzymes spraying and printing paste
The company can provide customers with dedicated production of blood glucose test strips glucose dehydrogenase, glucose oxidase, spraying and printing paste.
At present the company providing below two kinds of Blood glucose test strips special enzyme spraying printing paste:
A. Glucose dehydrogenase spraying and printing paste
glucose dehydrogenase slurry spraying and printing techniques to make up the traditional blood glucose test strips in use exposed a growing number of issues, such as poor thermal stability, shelf-life test strip value change during the storage of some disadvantages such as reading, thereby ensuring blood glucose test strips in the course of stability and consistency.
B. The glucose oxidase spraying and printing paste
The glucose oxidase spraying and printing paste, process technology concise, investment in small scale,Cheap and fine, Suitable for domestic Blood glucose test strips
Address Rm.B106,No.13-1,West-KongMing Rd.,Overseas Chinese High-Tech Venture Park,Guilin, Guangxi, China
Tel 86-0773-5828695
Fax 86-0773-5613503
E-mail tlaa163@163.com
Zip Code 541004
Q Q 347752162
MSN glpz163@hotmail.com
Contact:Mrs Yu Zhen
Mobile +86 13978330117
http://www.bio-glpz.com (China)
http://www.bloodglucoseteststrips.cn (English)
The company can provide customers with dedicated production of blood glucose test strips glucose dehydrogenase, glucose oxidase, spraying and printing paste.
At present the company providing below two kinds of Blood glucose test strips special enzyme spraying printing paste:
A. Glucose dehydrogenase spraying and printing paste
glucose dehydrogenase slurry spraying and printing techniques to make up the traditional blood glucose test strips in use exposed a growing number of issues, such as poor thermal stability, shelf-life test strip value change during the storage of some disadvantages such as reading, thereby ensuring blood glucose test strips in the course of stability and consistency.
B. The glucose oxidase spraying and printing paste
The glucose oxidase spraying and printing paste, process technology concise, investment in small scale,Cheap and fine, Suitable for domestic Blood glucose test strips
Address Rm.B106,No.13-1,West-KongMing Rd.,Overseas Chinese High-Tech Venture Park,Guilin, Guangxi, China
Tel 86-0773-5828695
Fax 86-0773-5613503
E-mail tlaa163@163.com
Zip Code 541004
Q Q 347752162
MSN glpz163@hotmail.com
Contact:Mrs Yu Zhen
Mobile +86 13978330117
http://www.bio-glpz.com (China)
http://www.bloodglucoseteststrips.cn (English)
Main Products
Blood Glucose Test Strips