SP1500B multi-function to count machineis adopt what microprocessor development complete.The biggest characteristics in this instrument is an adoption to count down to count the technique, measuring the accuracy high, measure the frequency scope breadth, the intelligent degree is high.(20 mVrmses below)The CPLD machine piece application make instrument dependable increased consumedl
That machine places before electric circuit contain low the filter of authority ,decline reduce the machine, and the index number shows, in keeping with post and tele correspondence, broadcast television, school, graduate school and work mineral business enterprise section grinds and produce it use
Specification :
Measure Frequency, Measure period, totalize self-test
Measure Frequency Range
1Hz~1.5GHz (SP1500B/C)
1Hz~2.5GHz (SP2500B)
1Hz~3GHz (SP3000B)
Measure Period Range
Count capability
108 - 1
1Hz~10Hz 40mVrms
10Hz~100MHz 20mVrms
100MHz~3000MHz 30mVrms
Input impedance
channel A : 1M Ω /40pF )
channel B : 50 Ω
Couple Mode
Dynamic Range
channel A: 20mVrms~250Vp-p
channel B: 30mVrms~1Vrms
measure error
崎imer base accuracy崎rigger error脡easured frequency(or- period)尉SD
Timer Base Stability
more than 5 106 /日
210mm 80mm 230mm
That machine places before electric circuit contain low the filter of authority ,decline reduce the machine, and the index number shows, in keeping with post and tele correspondence, broadcast television, school, graduate school and work mineral business enterprise section grinds and produce it use
Specification :
Measure Frequency, Measure period, totalize self-test
Measure Frequency Range
1Hz~1.5GHz (SP1500B/C)
1Hz~2.5GHz (SP2500B)
1Hz~3GHz (SP3000B)
Measure Period Range
Count capability
108 - 1
1Hz~10Hz 40mVrms
10Hz~100MHz 20mVrms
100MHz~3000MHz 30mVrms
Input impedance
channel A : 1M Ω /40pF )
channel B : 50 Ω
Couple Mode
Dynamic Range
channel A: 20mVrms~250Vp-p
channel B: 30mVrms~1Vrms
measure error
崎imer base accuracy崎rigger error脡easured frequency(or- period)尉SD
Timer Base Stability
more than 5 106 /日
210mm 80mm 230mm
Main Products
spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, frequency meter, signal generator