Sibutramine Hydrochloride:
The molecular Formula is: C12H26CINHCIH2O, it is white color or similar color crystal or crystal broken powder, can not unfreeze in water, but unfreeze in alcohol.
It is a kind of medicine which can act on centrum nerval adiposity. It can bring action through amine metabolize outcome. The mostly mechanism is it can restrain re-incepting of noradrenalin, 5-hydroxide amic and dopamine, then boost up the gorge feeling, but no distinctness infection for the noradrenalin, 5-hydroxide amic and dopamine.
The dosage is one time 15mg in a day.
The molecular Formula is: C12H26CINHCIH2O, it is white color or similar color crystal or crystal broken powder, can not unfreeze in water, but unfreeze in alcohol.
It is a kind of medicine which can act on centrum nerval adiposity. It can bring action through amine metabolize outcome. The mostly mechanism is it can restrain re-incepting of noradrenalin, 5-hydroxide amic and dopamine, then boost up the gorge feeling, but no distinctness infection for the noradrenalin, 5-hydroxide amic and dopamine.
The dosage is one time 15mg in a day.
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