Processing any soft or hard rubber, genuine leather or cloth of pure PVC or of more than 30% PVC for any applications.
shoe, trademark label, sticker, raincoat, tarpaulin, leather bag, hand bag, beach bag, stationery, name-plate badges, inflatable toy, water bed, seat, ante-vanna, vehicle door panel, seating for blister packaging.
Processing any soft or hard rubber, genuine leather or cloth of pure PVC or of more than 30% PVC for any applications.
shoe, trademark label, sticker, raincoat, tarpaulin, leather bag, hand bag, beach bag, stationery, name-plate badges, inflatable toy, water bed, seat, ante-vanna, vehicle door panel, seating for blister packaging.
.QX-3000TMain Products
Deciding Machine,High Frequency Machine,Pad Printing Machine,Ultrasoni