S49-A series three-D rotary vibrating sieve

Product ID: S49-A series

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  S49-A series vibrated filter is one of pr嶰ised powder griddle,Low noise, high efficiency, need only 3-5 minutes to rapidly replace the griddle,all closed structure.Used to
filter particles,powder and mucilage.

Principle of the structure
S49-A series vibrated griddle: use upright motor as the source of vibration,equippedeccentricity hammer on the both sides of the topandthebottom,changecircumrotatetolevel,uprightandslopemovement, then pass these three movement to the surface of the griddle.Adjust the phasic angleonthebothsides of the top and bottom to change the movement orbits of the surface griddle.
  • High efficiency
    • High efficiency, refined design, duration,any powders and mucilage are suitable for using.

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