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Solar light,solar lawn light,solar outdoor light,solar Led light

Product ID: ND-203

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Model: ND-203
Material : Aluminum, Polycrystalline silicon solar panel
Size: 180mm X 600 mm

Sales point: Infrared induction and Dual operation model. Dual core Led. Save 50% more power

Product description:
Infrared Power saving model: When there is no moving object around, the light just has three Led working. But when there are some moving object near , it will work at full power . In this way, it can save more power and the working hours can be longer.The inducton angle is 90.

Working hours setting:
User can set the working hours to 4, 6 8 or 10 hours per day. Different countries ,different sunshine hours. This function can avoid any unnecessary lighting waste and meet local solar status.

Solar panel life: 20 years
Battery life: 3 year, can be replaced then
Battery watt: 2W
Led light source: 20Lm
Working hours: 5-7 working days in rainny or cloudy, that is 40 hours . It depends on local sunshine status.
Charge hours: Normally one day time ( 8 hours) , it depends on local sunshine.
Warranty: 12 months
  • Infrared incudtion
  • time setting mode

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