C-AVR for all AVR chips
C-AVR-N for all AVR chips except mega (code size limited to 8K)
CAVR and C-AVR-N: ‘C’ cross compiler for Atmel's AVR series of micro-controllers. It generates fast, compact assembly code from the user's C program. Allows user to write applications in a higher level language - 'C' - instead of assembly language, thereby drastically reduces the software development time. It offers all benefits of a higher level language at a very affordable price. The product includes an Integrated Development Environment and a C Compiler for AVR family micro-controllers. The compiler generates assembly language code which can be assembled using AVRASM assembler from Atmel. The Compiler supports almost all features of ANSI C and also some AVR specific extensions, so the user can take full advantage of the special features of the AVR micro-controller.
The C-AVR-N is nothing but a restricted version of C-AVR. It has all the same features as that of C-AVR, except, it can not be used for ATmega devices.
Both - C-AVR and C-AVR-N include a Visual Code Generator. It allows you to visually program various I/O registers of the AVR micro-controllers. e.g. you may only specify crystal frequency and desired baud-rate and it will automatically generate 'C' language statement such as "UBRR = 0x19 ;". You can copy this generated code onto the clipboard and paste it into your C program.
C-AVR-N for all AVR chips except mega (code size limited to 8K)
CAVR and C-AVR-N: ‘C’ cross compiler for Atmel's AVR series of micro-controllers. It generates fast, compact assembly code from the user's C program. Allows user to write applications in a higher level language - 'C' - instead of assembly language, thereby drastically reduces the software development time. It offers all benefits of a higher level language at a very affordable price. The product includes an Integrated Development Environment and a C Compiler for AVR family micro-controllers. The compiler generates assembly language code which can be assembled using AVRASM assembler from Atmel. The Compiler supports almost all features of ANSI C and also some AVR specific extensions, so the user can take full advantage of the special features of the AVR micro-controller.
The C-AVR-N is nothing but a restricted version of C-AVR. It has all the same features as that of C-AVR, except, it can not be used for ATmega devices.
Both - C-AVR and C-AVR-N include a Visual Code Generator. It allows you to visually program various I/O registers of the AVR micro-controllers. e.g. you may only specify crystal frequency and desired baud-rate and it will automatically generate 'C' language statement such as "UBRR = 0x19 ;". You can copy this generated code onto the clipboard and paste it into your C program.
- Supported data types :
- char, unsigned char, int, unsigned int, long int, unsigned long int, float.
- Supports mixed language
- ('C' + assembly) programming.
- Arrays of any data type are support
- Arrays of any data type are supported, but they can have maximum 3 dimensions
- Pointers to any data type
- Pointers to any data type are supported, but they can be maximum 3 levels. i.e. pointer to pointer to pointer to char (or any data type) is allowed, but pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to char (or any data type) is NOT allowed.
- 'struct' and 'union' support
- 'struct' and 'union' are supported, but bitfields are not supported.
- Interrupt functions canwritten in C
- extra keyword 'SFR' is added, so users can declare and use any / all Special Function Registers of AVR family Never generates instructions like CALL / JMP etc. immediately followed by a skip instruction, so as to avoid the interrupt problem.
- 8. Global variables are stored in memory starting from address 0x60 in on-chip RAM. When the on-chip RAM is completely used, external RAM is used to store global variables. Stack Pointer is placed at the end of RAM or at a user specified location.
- 9. Local variables and function parameters are stored on stack. So all functions are fully re-entrant. Available stack space is the only limit for re-entry / recursions.
- 10. Supports mixed language ('C' + assembly) programming.
- runs on a PC runing
- C-AVR / C-AVR-N runs on a PC runing Windows98SE, WindowsME, WindowsNT, Windows2000, WindowsXP
Main Products
Single Board Computers,C Compiler & Simulator for 8051 & 8055