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BD960-L fuel measuring pump test bench

Product ID: automobile testing

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BD960-L type fuel measuring screen display control terminal is based on monitoring and control equipments' full automated full digital direction of market development, Specialized designed for high-performance and high-precision fuel injection pump test bench..
This system takes the high performance embedded industry computer as the development platform, takes high precision and high reliability sensor as the foundation, uses the modular design and the electromagnetic compatibility design to realize high-precision measurement of the micro-flow.
And this system adopts the integral operator to overcome the poor reproducibility of measuring.
The system consists of the OSD part and the sensor part.The OSD part is constituted by the integration workstation, dynamically simulates the oil column in the’s visual, while eliminating the oil Mo and human errors caused by reading.
Main debug projects:
1, each cylinder injection pump oil supply and fuel supply uniformity;
2, injection pump oil supply starting point and interval angle of oil supply;
3, governor to adjust and test the performance of work;
4, sealing injection pump test;
5, the allocation of pump oil return measured observations;
6, in order to compensate for Testing fuel pump to provide pressurized gas source and gas-tight test;
7, together with the work of the annex to Advancer measurable performance.
8, can be injection pump pneumatic speed governor-testing.
9, may fuel pump solenoid valve-testing.
10, can be detected on the tooth rod stroke.
  • BD960-L type fuel measuring screen
    • BD960-L type fuel measuring screen display control terminal is based on monitoring and control equipments' full automated full digital direction of market development, Specialized designed for high-performance and high-precision fuel injection pump test bench..
  • This system takes the high performance embedded industry computer as the development platform, takes high precision and high reliability sensor as the foundation, uses the modular design and the electromagnetic compatibility design to realize high-precision measurement of the micro-flow.
  • And this system adopts the integral operator to overcome the poor reproducibility of measuring.
  • The system consists of the OSD part and the sensor part.The OSD part is constituted by the integration workstation, dynamically simulates the oil column in the’s visual, while eliminating the oil Mo and human errors caused by reading.

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pump test bench, injector tester, cleaning machine, balancing machine