- Weight: 1500g
- Line Data Rate: 28.8K / 26.4K / 2.4K / 2.1K / 19.2K / 14.4K / 12K / 9.6K / 7.2K / 4.8K bps
- Compatibility: CCITT V.32 bis/32/22 bis/22/21/23 Bell 212A/103
- Fax Protocol: 14400 bps send/receive, G3 compatible
- Data Interface: PC bus compatible, 16C450/16C550 compatible
- Modem Date Rate: DTE Max. 57600 bps
- Line Interface: RJ-11 Modular jack, Line/Phone
- On-board Speaker with voice function
- Auto dial, auto answer, auto mode and auto start
- Data, Fax, Telephony, DSVD, audio, midi
- Receive sensitivity : -43dBm, Transmit level : -13, +/-1 dBm
- OEM/ODM is highly welcomed, Over 10 years Manufacturing Experiences.
- Deliveries made Thailand G.S.P. form A for saving your money.
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