All the major semiconductor manufacturers are racing against time and each other to develop series of new single chip microprocessor controlled unit (MCU) for applications in virtually every aspect of modern life. MCU is used in a wide range of products from appliances to industrial controller to automobiles and many others. To the average user in the process of learning / developing MCU, there are yet no equipment commercially available for testing and function simulation after the software has been written into the MCU with the aid of an In-Circuit Emulator (ICE).
- Flexible and wide application: connectable to PC, ICE and PEM
- Complete I/O devices: 14 kinds of input/output devices
- Long term usage: replaceable sockets for easy maintenance
- Comprehensive safety design: power supply and I/O devices all equipped with protective measures
- Self contained unit: most experiments can be performed without additional equipment's
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breadboarding & accessories, electronic educational systems, educational training equipment