We could offer full range of bipolar power transistors including darlington and switching transistors from chips to devices, 1A to 60A, 40V to 1500V, 30W to 300W. The package type includes TO-3, TO-66, TO-3P (TO-247) and TO-220. There are various types: 2N3055, 2N6059, BU406, BDW94C, MJE3055T, MJ2955, 2N6667, 2SA1302, MJ11032, TIP35C, 2N3771, 2N6668, BUY69C, MJ15015, TIP36C, 2N3773, 2N6740, D45H2, MJ15016, TIP3055, 2N6052, 2SC3281, BD912, MJE13007, 2N6388.
- 1 Amp ~ 60 Amp, 40 volt ~ 1500 volt, 30W ~ 300W
- Package type: TO-3, TO-66, TO-3P(TO-247), TO-220
- Application: linear power supply, amplifier, ballast, ignition
.ISO-9002 certified2N3055 | 2N6059 | BU406 | BDW94C | MJE3055T |
MJ2955 | 2N6667 | 2SA1302 | MJ11032 | TIP35C |
2N3771 | 2N6668 | BUY69C | MJ15015 | TIP36C |
2N3773 | 2N6740 | D45H2 | MJ15016 | TIP3055 |
2N605 | 2SC3281 | BD912 | MJE13007 | 2N6388 |
Main Products
epitaxial wafer, bipolar power transistors, schottky diodes, ultrafast & fast recovery rectifiers, transient voltage suppressor and polished prime wafers