The GM-180C is an 8-character alphanumeric LED display module which provides all the circuitry required to interface a microprocessor or digital system. It is primarily intended for use in microprocessor systems, where it minimizes hardware and software overhead. Incorporated on-chip are a 64-character ASCII decode, 8 x 6 memory, and the multiplex scan circuitry. 6-bit ASCII data to be displayed is written into the memory directly from the microprocessor data bus. Data location depends upon the selection of either Serial (MODE=1) or Random (MODE=0). In the Serial Access mode the first entry is stored in the lowest location and displayed in the "left-most" character position .Each subsequent entry is automatically stored in the next higher location and display to the immediate "right" of the previous entry. A DISPLAY FULL signal is provided after 8 entries; this signal can be used for cascading. A CLEAR pin is provided to clear the memory and reset the location counter. The Random Access mode allows the processor to select the memory address and display digit for each input word. The character multiplex scan runs whenever data is not being entered. It scans the memory and CHARACTER drivers, and ensures that the memory to display is done in the proper sequence. Inter character blanking is provided to avoid display ghosting.
- Operating voltage: 6V
- Operating temperature: 0 to 70 Celsius (32 to 158 Fahrenheit)
- Storage temperature: -10 to 85 Celsius (14 to 185 Fahrenheit)
- Code input(A2A1A0): Display output(DIGIT SELECTED)
- Code input(000): Display output(CHAR1)
- Code input(001): Display output(CHAR2)
- Code input(010): Display output(CHAR3)
- Code input(011): Display output(CHAR4)
- Code input(100): Display output(CHAR5)
- Code input(101): Display output(CHAR6)
- Code input(110): Display output(CHAR7)
- Code input(111): Display output(CHAR8)
- Applications: Display for: microprocessor development systems.
- 0.54 inch (13.7mm) digit height
- 8 alphanumeric characters of 14 segments
- Single +5V power supply operation
- Serial entry or random entry of data into display
- 6-Bit ASCII code data inputs
- CMOS TTL compatible inputs
- Cascadable without additional hardware
- direct interfacing to microprocessor and microcomputer
Parameter | Symbol | Conditions | MIN | TYP | MAX | UNIT |
Supply voltage | Vdd | 4.75 | 5 | 5.25 | V | |
Supply current | Idd | N/A | 150 | 200 | MA | |
Input high voltage | Vih | 2 | N/A | N/A | V | |
Input low voltage | Vil | N/A | N/A | 0.8 | V | |
Display full output low | Vol | N/A | N/A | 0.4 | V | |
Display full output high | Voh | 2.4 | N/A | N/A | V | |
Display scan rate | Fds | N/A | 400 | N/A | Hz | |
WR, clear pulse width low | Twpl | 250 | N/A | N/A | Ns | |
WR, clear pulse width high | Twph | 250 | N/A | N/A | Ns | |
Data hold time | Tph | 0 | -20 | N/A | Ns | |
Data setup time | Tds | 250 | 150 | N/A | Ns | |
Adress, Sen, mode hold time | Tah | 125 | 80 | N/A | Ns | |
Adress, Sen, mode setup time | Tas | -20 | N/A | N/A | Ns | |
CS, CS setup time | Tcs | 0 | N/A | N/A | Ns | |
Pulse transition time | Tt | N/A | N/A | 100 | Ns |
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