1.Sensor use low-power design that can use long time.
2.Temperature displays have various ports that can access system software by wired network or GPRS
3 Wireless signal has strong diffraction capacity, which is suitable for complex environment in buildings.
4.Temperature displays connect to autonomous system of software can combine temperature measurement and control.
Application Fields:
Central heating regions of the heating companies in different places Government buildings and hotels Pulic building, such as shopping malls, etc. Office and workplace of the enterprise Pulic facilities, such as school and hosipitals, etc. Venues with large area, refrigerators and thermostatic chambers Other places that need to save energy via temperature surverying
1.Sensor use low-power design that can use long time.
2.Temperature displays have various ports that can access system software by wired network or GPRS
3 Wireless signal has strong diffraction capacity, which is suitable for complex environment in buildings.
4.Temperature displays connect to autonomous system of software can combine temperature measurement and control.
Application Fields:
Central heating regions of the heating companies in different places Government buildings and hotels Pulic building, such as shopping malls, etc. Office and workplace of the enterprise Pulic facilities, such as school and hosipitals, etc. Venues with large area, refrigerators and thermostatic chambers Other places that need to save energy via temperature surverying
Main Products
micropower wireless sensing devices