kids balance bike
A balance bike can make the perfect gift for any toddler, boy or girl, aged around 2 years to 6 years old. Lottytoys wooden bikes are made from natural birch plywood and are both very safe and fun.
Balance bikes are also called Ride On or Pedal-less bikes and are designed to be used by very young children. The child sits on the bike and moves by pushing along the ground with their feet.A balance bike does not have pedals or stabilisers, so children learn to balance and steer very quickly.
At first, they ride with at least one foot firmly on the floor. As they become confident, theyll start to lift both feet off the ground, scooting forward and balancing and occasionally dabbing a foot to the floor when the bike leans over. Soon theyll be balancing, learning and playing all at once. All the time, they are developing their motor skills and coordination, while having terrific fun.
Lottytoys Balance Bikes are incredibly lightweight at just 3kg, making it easy for parents t
Balance bikes are also called Ride On or Pedal-less bikes and are designed to be used by very young children. The child sits on the bike and moves by pushing along the ground with their feet.A balance bike does not have pedals or stabilisers, so children learn to balance and steer very quickly.
At first, they ride with at least one foot firmly on the floor. As they become confident, theyll start to lift both feet off the ground, scooting forward and balancing and occasionally dabbing a foot to the floor when the bike leans over. Soon theyll be balancing, learning and playing all at once. All the time, they are developing their motor skills and coordination, while having terrific fun.
Lottytoys Balance Bikes are incredibly lightweight at just 3kg, making it easy for parents t
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balance bike, wooden toys, educational toys, wood blocks, wooden puzzl