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polishing abrasive

polishing abrasive

Glaze Polishing Abrasive Diamond fickert abrasive ceramic tiles polishing abrasive

Product ID: Glaze Polishing Abra

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Glaze Polishing Abrasive

Working Conditions: Water

Suitable machines:KEDA, ANCORA, BMR,
PEDRINI, KEXINDA, LIBEN, KELID etc. various polishing lines

Application scopes:Various glazed porcelain tiles, glazed
ceramic tiles, wall tiles, floor tiles ect. in different sizes

Glaze polishing abrasives are
used on normal polishing machines to make flexible full-polishing and
semi-polishing on the surfaces of rustic tiles, stone-like porcelain tiles,
crystal-effect polished porcelain tiles and glaze tiles. Our glaze polishing
abrasives are approved for their excellent shaping effect, good sharpness, high
gloss and long working lifetime.
  • ISO9001
  • ISO14001

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