Air-Conditioner Soft Start Controller RJ-ASSU220P3 for Single Phase 220VAC 1P/2P/3P
Product ID: RJ-ASSU220P3
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The RUIJING soft start controller - RJ-ASSU220P3 provides an effective solution in reduction of start-up current, typically up to 70%, but still provides full startup torque for compressors and motors. Across the line starting of air-conditioner compressor or induction motors is accompanied by inrush currents up to 7-8 times higher than running current, and starting torque up to 3 times higher than running torque. The increased unnecessary torque results in sudden mechanical stress on the machine which leads to increased wear and higher service costs and reduced service life. Moreover, the high inrush current and current peaks may stress the power supply system to increased mains and generator loads which may lead to voltage dips results in breaking down of other valuable equipment or system function.
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