Graphite crucible
A graphite crucible is a laboratory apparatus used for chemical experiments or melting metals under high-temperature conditions. It is typically made of high-purity graphite material due to graphites excellent resistance to high temperatures and chemical stability. Graphite crucibles are often circular or conical in shape, with a certain depth and a bottom hole for handling samples or reaction products. This design facilitates uniform heating and convenient exhaust emission.
Graphite crucibles are commonly employed in experiments at high temperatures, such as melting metals, ore analysis, or other tests that require resistance to high temperatures and chemical stability. The high thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance of graphite make it an ideal material for use under various experimental conditions.
Graphite crucibles are commonly employed in experiments at high temperatures, such as melting metals, ore analysis, or other tests that require resistance to high temperatures and chemical stability. The high thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance of graphite make it an ideal material for use under various experimental conditions.
Main Products
Graphite products Graphite mold