EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) waterstop is manufactured from polyvinyl chloride, EVA resin and a variety of additives by special production processes. It is used for water leakage and permeation prevention in building construction joints by taking advantage of elastic deformation property of elastomer material. EVA waterstop is highly resistant to corrosion and it has very long life span. It can be used for various above or under ground buildings and it is especially suitable for water storage structures, such as water reservoirs, waste water treatment plants, dams, subways, tunnels, retaining walls, swimming pools, bridges and culverts.
EVA waterstops are manufactured in many shapes, such as ribbed with center bulb, split ribbed with center bulb, flat ribbed, split ribbed, dumbbell with center bulb, split dumbbell with center bulb, dumbbell, split dumbbell, base seal and tear web. The different shapes make EVA waterstops widely used in different kinds of concrete structures.
EVA waterstops are manufactured in many shapes, such as ribbed with center bulb, split ribbed with center bulb, flat ribbed, split ribbed, dumbbell with center bulb, split dumbbell with center bulb, dumbbell, split dumbbell, base seal and tear web. The different shapes make EVA waterstops widely used in different kinds of concrete structures.
Main Products
PVC waterstop, EVA Waterstop,Steel-side Waterstop, Swelling waterstop