Max. cutting area 16"(X) x 12" (Y) x 1.57" (Z)
(407 mm (X) x 305 mm (Y) x 42.5 mm (Z)) 24" (X) x 16" (Y) x 1.57" (Z)
( 610 mm (X) x 407 mm (Y) x 42.5 mm (Z))
Acceptable material thickness 1.575" (40 mm)
XYZ motor AC servo motor (DAC-FFP)
Feed rate XY-axis : 0.5 mm/sec. , 1~100 mm/sec. Z-axis : 0.5 mm/sec., 1~50 mm/sec.
Acceleration 0.1 G , 0.05 G
Software Resolution .00039"/step (0.01 mm/step)
Mechanical Resolution XY-axis : .0001"/step (0.003 mm/step) Z-axis : .00009"/step (0.0025 mm/step)
Spindle motor DC brushless motor Max. 72 W
Revolution Speed 8,000 - 30,000 rpm
Tool chuck Cutter holder or Collet system
Positioning accuracy ± 0.1 % of distance traveled, or ± .0039" (0.1 mm), whichever is greater (Under no-load conditions)
(407 mm (X) x 305 mm (Y) x 42.5 mm (Z)) 24" (X) x 16" (Y) x 1.57" (Z)
( 610 mm (X) x 407 mm (Y) x 42.5 mm (Z))
Acceptable material thickness 1.575" (40 mm)
XYZ motor AC servo motor (DAC-FFP)
Feed rate XY-axis : 0.5 mm/sec. , 1~100 mm/sec. Z-axis : 0.5 mm/sec., 1~50 mm/sec.
Acceleration 0.1 G , 0.05 G
Software Resolution .00039"/step (0.01 mm/step)
Mechanical Resolution XY-axis : .0001"/step (0.003 mm/step) Z-axis : .00009"/step (0.0025 mm/step)
Spindle motor DC brushless motor Max. 72 W
Revolution Speed 8,000 - 30,000 rpm
Tool chuck Cutter holder or Collet system
Positioning accuracy ± 0.1 % of distance traveled, or ± .0039" (0.1 mm), whichever is greater (Under no-load conditions)
Main Products