Beamsplitter Cube is a more sophisticated type consisting of two right- angle prismscemented together at their hypotenuse faces.The cemented face of one prism is coated.Before cementing, with a metallic or dielectric layer having the desired reflectingproperties, both in the percentage of reflection and the desired color. The absorptionloss to the coating is minimal and transmission and reflection approach 50%.
Material: BK7 grade A optical glass
Dimension Tolerance: +/-0.2mm
Surface Quality: 60-40 scratch and dig
Flatness: lambda/4 per 25mm @632.8nm
Angle Tolerance:
Material: BK7 grade A optical glass
Dimension Tolerance: +/-0.2mm
Surface Quality: 60-40 scratch and dig
Flatness: lambda/4 per 25mm @632.8nm
Angle Tolerance:
Main Products
precision lenses, ball lenses, aspheric lenses, micro lenses