Acupuncture diabetes treatment instrument
The 6th generation of Bluelight serial products BL-EX acupuncture device(also known as Bluelight Massage treatment device, Bluelight cervical treatment instrument), designed in humanization, it completely washes out the treatments of low-frequency impulse with simple function in the market.
With double-method output, it is quite common for the treatment to one person in many points or for two in simultaneity, which is in great need for hospitals and clinics.
Initiating the auto frequency conversion circuit based on Eight-Diagram Midnight-Noon Cycle of Qi, it can effectively match the physiological conditions of human body and improve the curative effect accordingly.
Utilizing the operation of stepless balance on output intensity, it can reach the best output effect and improve the curative effect and flexibility.
In common use of electrical sourceelectromagnetism and electrode pole at home and abroad, its 8 auto-converting functions bring
The 6th generation of Bluelight serial products BL-EX acupuncture device(also known as Bluelight Massage treatment device, Bluelight cervical treatment instrument), designed in humanization, it completely washes out the treatments of low-frequency impulse with simple function in the market.
With double-method output, it is quite common for the treatment to one person in many points or for two in simultaneity, which is in great need for hospitals and clinics.
Initiating the auto frequency conversion circuit based on Eight-Diagram Midnight-Noon Cycle of Qi, it can effectively match the physiological conditions of human body and improve the curative effect accordingly.
Utilizing the operation of stepless balance on output intensity, it can reach the best output effect and improve the curative effect and flexibility.
In common use of electrical sourceelectromagnetism and electrode pole at home and abroad, its 8 auto-converting functions bring
- CE ROHS ISO9001 2000
Main Products
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