CASE Gasifier Plant
Our Gasifiers come in totally knocked down condition from our Chinese Partners in China. Our Chinese Partners stand full guarantee for design, manufacturing and performance of our equipment along with us.We are proud to state CASE Gasifier is only gasifier which is able to replace 100% Furnace oil for stainless Steel billet heating application. It is also checked and proven that there is no alternation in the composition of stainless steel in the heating process by our technology. CASE gasification technology is the first to prove this successfully at Shivam Iron & steel Ltd., Girdih, Jharkhand.We have successfully installed over 200 Gasifiers in steel industry, the application being majorly for Reheating Furnaces for Rolling Mills.There is no tar formation in the pipeline and gasifier. Technology processes both fix carbon and volatile matter present in the coal.
Main Products
Cooling Towers, Coal Gasifiers, Briquetting Machines, Scale Ban