EPP model plane
The model planes manufactured by PMPF factory are made of EPP and EPO. Their impact resistance ensures that no damage occurs even in the case of rough crash landings, and yet these model planes are lightweight. PMPF have been producing a serious of model planes. From small scale plane to large scale(1200mm wingspan), from beginner glider model to master-hand pilot aerobatic model, from UAV model to RPV or FPV model, every model you named could be found in PMPFs moulding factory.
PMPF also pay great attention to protect our clients property in every model planes design and drawing.
PMPF manufacture a large amount of EPP and EPO foam model planes to hobby companies in China, we also design models and cooperate with mold tool makers to help clients resolve difficulities. Though we do not sell model planes directly, but we really proud ourselves that we produce most of the foam planes that finally sell to world wide famous companies like Hobbico, Hitec, etc. We have the best technology in EPP/EPO foam model plane parts moulding, even the surface without any core vents imprint is also available to us, and we can make the thinnest wing thickness just 1mm.
PMPF also pay great attention to protect our clients property in every model planes design and drawing.
PMPF manufacture a large amount of EPP and EPO foam model planes to hobby companies in China, we also design models and cooperate with mold tool makers to help clients resolve difficulities. Though we do not sell model planes directly, but we really proud ourselves that we produce most of the foam planes that finally sell to world wide famous companies like Hobbico, Hitec, etc. We have the best technology in EPP/EPO foam model plane parts moulding, even the surface without any core vents imprint is also available to us, and we can make the thinnest wing thickness just 1mm.
Main Products
EPP foam packaging,EPP Auto Bumper Core,EPP box,EPP mould,EPS mould