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TI AM335X ARM development board & ARM core board ARM Cortex-A8 720MHz CPU 256MB DDR2 SDRAM 128MB Nand Flash 2MB Data Flash

Product ID: EZ335X-EVB

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Core Module is designed by 6-floor PCB; the volume is only card size; together with CPU, DDR2 RAM, NandFlash, DataFLash, network; using 5V dc power supply, low power consumption; 2*60 Pin 2.0 connectors lead various commonly used interfaces; all AM335x-ARM Cortex-A8 processor is compatible; user can choose different types of processor chip according to need to reduce the cost, and this choice only suitable for batch users.

Core Module Specifications:
CPU Processor
• TI AM335X, ARM Cortex-A8 Core
• 720MHz
DDR RAM Memory
• 256MB DDR2 RAM, 133MHz, 16bit data bus
FLASH Storage
• On-board 512K Dataflash (DB45041D)
• On-board 256M*8bits NandFlash (K9F1G08U0B) could change a large capacity or industrial chip according to customers requirement
• 2*60 pin 2.0mm spacing B to B
Other Onboard Resources
• RTL8211Enet chip, support 10M/100M/1000M Ethernet with RGMII mode;
• Power management, single 5V input and output all voltage core module need

PCB Specificatio

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