1. Used to measure minimum unloading torque of childrens bicycle wheel axle nut, front or back wheel unloading direction respectively, applied force, keeping 30 seconds, then check if have relative shift.
2. Test principle: Up to standard GB 14746-NEW 3.6.4
3. Test method:
A--Fixed the bicycle front wheel as standard
B--Turn on power, setting force value on power display, and time of acting force on counter
C--Press operation button to test, test items gotten force from machine automatically, counter start to timing when reached setting value, machined stopped force application when reached setting time.
D--Taking off the test items to check have relative shift between front axle and front fork to judge if eligible.
E--Fitting on the back wheel as standard, according the step2, 3, 4, making chucking power test.
2. Test principle: Up to standard GB 14746-NEW 3.6.4
3. Test method:
A--Fixed the bicycle front wheel as standard
B--Turn on power, setting force value on power display, and time of acting force on counter
C--Press operation button to test, test items gotten force from machine automatically, counter start to timing when reached setting value, machined stopped force application when reached setting time.
D--Taking off the test items to check have relative shift between front axle and front fork to judge if eligible.
E--Fitting on the back wheel as standard, according the step2, 3, 4, making chucking power test.
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