Abelta Farms is a producer and exporter of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables .we are a supplier to supermarkets and franchise restaurants in Morocco and also for export abroad. We sell fresh vegetables at wholesale .
We are Supplying mostly to European union .All our exports products are verified and certified by the local government ,Today we covers an export list of more than 30 Products of fresh vegetables like Artichoke ,Asparagus , Broccoli , Cabbage , Capsicum , Quince ,Cauliflower ,Celeri ,Courgette , Cucumbers , Eggplants ,Fennel, Green Beans ,Hot Peppers ,Oignons ,Olives , Potatoes , Radish , Snow Peas ,Tomatoes ,Truffle
and we export fresh fruits like Apricot ,Anone , Avocados, Cactus Pears , Cherries , Clementines , Grapes , jujube , kaki , kumquat , Medlar , fruits , Melon , Oranges , Peaches , Pear Nashi , Pears , Plums , Pomegranate , Strawberries
from growing the vegetables and fruits to dispatching the products to the end customer. This is yet another guarantee for quality and safety.
We are convinced that the present position of the company in foreign markets rests on our fair relations with all customers and suppliers.
So If you have any more inquiry regarding our range of products for further
information do not hesitate to contact us.