Product Name: Potassium Carbonate
Molecular formula: K2CO3
Molecular weight: 138.2
CAS NO.: 584-08-7
HS CODE: 28364000
Property: Potassium Carbonate may be monoclinic crystal, white powder, granular crystal or prill. The relative density is 2.428 and the melting point is at 891 degree C .It is easily soluble in water forming a slightly alkaline solution. It is insoluble in alcohol and ether. It has strong hygroscopicity. It easily cakes and turns into Potassium Bicarbonate through absorbing carbon dioxide when exposed to the air for a long time.
Molecular formula: K2CO3
Molecular weight: 138.2
CAS NO.: 584-08-7
HS CODE: 28364000
Property: Potassium Carbonate may be monoclinic crystal, white powder, granular crystal or prill. The relative density is 2.428 and the melting point is at 891 degree C .It is easily soluble in water forming a slightly alkaline solution. It is insoluble in alcohol and ether. It has strong hygroscopicity. It easily cakes and turns into Potassium Bicarbonate through absorbing carbon dioxide when exposed to the air for a long time.
Main Products
ammonium chloride,potassium nitrate,potassium carbonate