The Magellan Roadmate 760 navigation unit offers you turn-by-turn voice guidance with SayWhere text-to-speech technology that tells you when to take that next turn, including the name of the street and distance to the turn. You can use the simple menus to enter an address on the touch screen, or find nearby gas stations, restaurants, ATM, and more by selecting from nearly 7 million, pre-programmed points of interest.
Designation^$Automobile ^#Map capabilities^$Internal ^#Receiver type ^$Parallel-Channel (12) ^#Display^$LCD TFT Display, 3 in. x 2.25 in. 320 X 240 ^#Features
Special Features^$Address Book ^#Included Software/Maps ^$Europe Maps, US Maps, Canada Maps^#Audible Features^$Voice Navigation Instructions ^#Expension slot type ^$Compact Flash (CF) ^#Trip calculator ^$Shortest time, Shortest distance, Least use of freeways, Most use of freeways, Route Recalculation ^#Main Products
General Position Satelite