BW1 is an up-to-date Microprocessor controlled bench model of high quality and considerable value. lt is designed for high-frequency switching power coils, multifunctional controller and stable winding pitch system. Lt use a special inverter motor and driver as its main winding power, and p precise stepping motor to adjust wire pitch in order to meet the extra requirement of customers high-quality control. The BW1 has no t only Centh graceful appearance and fine configuration, but also simple operation and speedy maintenance ect multifuncticn. And lt has proven to be the optimal choice in Centh BOBBIN spiral and winding machines.
- simaple specification
- Our machines are excellent arrangements to wind all types of narrow fabrics, Tapes, Laces, Ribbons etc., of 1.00mm to 20.00mm in size. Winding can be done on a wide range of plastic molded bobbins / spools (can also be custom designed to suit a particular size). Winding is done both radially and longitudinally through radial and traverse movement in the machine.
- Bobbin Winding Machine
- The BW is an up-to-date microprocessor controlled bench model of high quality and considerable value. It is designed for high-frequency switching power coils, multifunctional controller and stable winding pitch systems. It uses a special inverter motor and driver as its main winding power, and a precise stepping motor to adjust wire pitch in order to meet the extra requirement of customers' high quality control. Not only does the BW2 have Ruff's graceful appearance and fine configuration, but also simple operation and speedy maintenance, etc. multifunction. It has also proven to be the optimal choice in Ruff's bobbin and spiral winding machines.
Main Products
winding machine, electronic transformer, consume electronics