JINRUN-TZL Series Vacuum Oil Purifier Specially for Turbine Oil
Product ID: JINRUN-TZL Series
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Used for breathing into new oil and handling unqualified turbine oil, especially for the emulsified turbine oil as mixing with the water and air because of seal problem, and for dehydrating, removing impurity substances, demulsifying for lubricating oil.
Destroys emulsify oil thoroughly, not easy to emulsify again. Not only dehydrates a great deal but also drains off water without stopping machine. Improves oil quality from all direction.
Used for breathing into new oil and handling unqualified turbine oil, especially for the emulsified turbine oil as mixing with the water and air because of seal problem, and for dehydrating, removing impurity substances, demulsifying for lubricating oil.
Destroys emulsify oil thoroughly, not easy to emulsify again. Not only dehydrates a great deal but also drains off water without stopping machine. Improves oil quality from all direction.
.Adopts high polymer material destr^$.Adopts high polymer material destroy emulsify thoroughly.^#Adopts the two elements once way of^$Adopts the two elements once way of dehydrating, dehydrating efficiently, removes not only liquid water thoroughly, but also 100% free water and 80% dissolve waters.^#Uses Jinrun technique of double net^$Uses Jinrun technique of double net type filters combine to high polymer absorbing material, the cleanness of treated oil can met 6 class ( NAS1638) or lower . ^#. Handled oil meets the standards o^$. Handled oil meets the standards of The Pollution Control Standards For Steam Turbine Oil in Operation.^#Light weight, safety, and reliabili^$Light weight, safety, and reliability. Operates automatically and stably with steam turbine machine or water turbine machine etc.. Remote operation is available.^#Features
Available for adopting PLC automat^$ Available for adopting PLC automatic operating system, operates by touching screen with dynamic display. It can be connected to computer, and realize intelligent operation^#Main Products
oil purifier, oil treatment, oil filter, oil purification