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Product ID: ITL MMX

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The ITL MMX is the latest in Intralock Tools' range of computerized key machines. It features many of the features popular to ITL machines such as:

600+ depth and space sets
Laser cut and normal modes
Versatility to cut Medeco keys with a switch to a standard cutter. (The ITL MMX comes with an automotive cutter from the factory)
Compatibility with most commercial software e.g. Blackhawk, Genericode, Instacode

What's more, it offers:

Codes from international car makers
Half-cut modes for progression
Key-cutting on-the-go: Lightweight and compact, the ITL MMX can be plugged into an inverter for mobile use
Micro-stepping for precision
The ability to receive updates via a USB port

ITL has your needs in mind. In order to minimize the price for locksmithing professionals, the ITL MMX comes without a control panel. Instead, the user sends commands and data via any XP notebook or PC connection.

Priced for the times, the ITL MMX's suggested retail price is: USD 2,500.
  • Dimensions
    • 12" x 11" x 7.5" or
  • 304 x 280 x 190 mm
    • Net Weight
      • 36lbs or
    • 16.5kg
      • Gross Weight
        • 40lbs or
      • 19kg
  • 600+ mfg depth and space sets
    • The ITL MMX houses predefined mfg values to cut perfect, original keys
  • International car codes included
  • Lightweight and compact
    • Built for key-cutting on the go, the ITL MMX has a small footprint and plugs into an inverter for easy mobile use.
  • Medeco Head
    • The ITL MMX offers the versatility to cut the occasional Medeco key (with a switch to a standard cutter)
  • Half-cut, laser and normal modes
    • The ITL MMX offers half-cut modes for progression as well as a laser cut mode.

Main Products

Key-cutting machines, Safe-opening tools.