International Consultancy Services is a leading Manpower Consultancy in India, providing specialised Manpower Services to industries such as Administrative, Catering, Construction, Customer Service, Education, Engineering, Healthcare, Hospitality, Information Technology, Marketing/PR, Retail, Sales, Oil & Gas, Hospitality, etc. We supply Manpower to various countries around the world. We are supplying more quality Hospital workers, Engineers, Sales Professionals, Hotel and Restaurant Professionals, Hospitality workers, Tradesmen and Construction workers to our clients in United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Cyprus, Israel, South Africa, Libya, Algeria, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and few countries of Africa & Europe. International Consultancy Services is a duly registered with the Ministry of Labour, Government of India, with Labour Ministry Registration No.:3705/KAR/PART/300/2/3/4/5591/2001 and is engaged in sending Indian workers Worldwide. Our manpower agency provides you the best jobs as per your satisfaction
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