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Product ID: PVC

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Dear Sir,

Moltuplas S.L., company registered in the plastic industry, can supply:
Natural PVC Film in Reels
33 micron (Thickness).
20 MT/40 ft container..
580 Euros/MT FOB Bilbao.

Rigid PVC Lumps
Natural and white colour(80 %), other colours(20%). From Film factories.
15 MT/40 ft container. 15 MT/month.
456 Euros/MT FOB Bilbao.
In Bales/ Big Bags.

Rigid PVC Pellets
Black colour. Extrusion.
24 MT/40 ft container.
on going. Price: 662 Euros/MT FOB Barcelona.
Available now 24 MT: Big Bags.
Delivery in 30 days

PVC+Expanso (10 %)
From leather goods industry. 22 MT/month.
22 MT/40 ft container.
398 Euros/MT FOB Barcelona.

Natural PVC in Bales
From water botlles ( postconsume with caps and labels). 20 MT/month. 20MT/40 ft container.
Loading quantity: per 40 ft container: 20 MT
324 Euros/MT FOB Barcelona.
Delivery in 20 days

I you are interested, contact for more details.

Best Regards,

Luz Blasco

Main Products

virgin, recycled, scrap plastic material ( PP, ABS, PVC, LDPE