Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine
Product ID: CMT Series
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This series of testing machines are extensively used in research laboratories and on production lines, in quality control and in education. They are suitable for performing tensile, compression, bending, shearing, peeling and tearing tests of specimen, including raw material, semi-product and finished-product in the field of rubber, plastic, metal, nylon, fabric, paper, aviation, packing, architecture, petrochemistry, etc
Easy to use and operate^$^#High accuracy^$Measurement accuracy of testing speed, load, crosshead displacement can meet or surpass ?.5% of reading ^#High sampling rate^$The sampling rate 50Hz, reach advanced international level
^#High load resolution ^$Better than 1/200000, no step, and unchanged in full range ^#Multi-cycle control modes ^$Control system is capable in load cycle, displacement cycle, extensometer cycle or their combination. ^#