As a result of this concerning Laboratory Worktables and Device fields maked fast growth .Today TEZ-SAN continue its production with two different facility which are metal enterprise and wooden enterprise. We apply advance technology in both enterprises.
Our company which to give the best quality services to you has awarded ISO 9001-2000 quality management system.
Beside this, our company proved its leadership in the sector by creating galvanized systems in its RE-DE department. We are proud of using galvanized system for the first time in the world.
Quality Policy
Our aim isto be a leading manufacturer that can compete with other producers at very high quality and reliable prices.
Our best product is QUALİTY, and we targeted manufacturing of quality instead of controlling. Because of this target we created the quality from the first step to last step in the process of production.
We are going to make our process, product and services better all time to have satisfaction of our customers.
Company Profile
Established in1988
Business types
- OEM Manufacturer
- ODM Manufacturer
world wide