CAS No.: 54965-21-8
Formula: C12H15N3O2S
molecular weight : 265.33
Synonyms: Methyl 5-propylthio-2-benzimidazolecarbamate;
PHYSICAL STATE: white to yellowish crystalline powder
Melting point: 208 - 210 C
Description: Albendazole is an effective anti parasitic agent with broad spectrum activity against gastrointestinal and other nematodes, as well as cestodes and trematodes.
Indications : Cattle anthelmintic for the removal and control of the endoparasites infecting cattle
Dosage: Formulation: 11.36% Suspension (113.6 mg/mL)
Route of Administration: Oral
Recommended Dosage: Ten (10) mg of albendazole per kg of body weight (4.45 mg/lb) administered orally with a suitable syringe.
Formula: C12H15N3O2S
molecular weight : 265.33
Synonyms: Methyl 5-propylthio-2-benzimidazolecarbamate;
PHYSICAL STATE: white to yellowish crystalline powder
Melting point: 208 - 210 C
Description: Albendazole is an effective anti parasitic agent with broad spectrum activity against gastrointestinal and other nematodes, as well as cestodes and trematodes.
Indications : Cattle anthelmintic for the removal and control of the endoparasites infecting cattle
Dosage: Formulation: 11.36% Suspension (113.6 mg/mL)
Route of Administration: Oral
Recommended Dosage: Ten (10) mg of albendazole per kg of body weight (4.45 mg/lb) administered orally with a suitable syringe.