Electroluminescent el light up neon battery operated flashing glow Panel Lamp sign display
Product ID: 360 Glow
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We can produce electro lumienscent EL panel many sizes very big and small. The electroluminescence when light up is beautiful color like neon glow. It can be used as a back light, or to enhance a product like a novelty item or add lighting effect, or for advertising and promotion, but also beside it is beautiful the electro luminescence can sequence and animate an image or promotional advertising logo in a flashing motion specific portions of an image. You can put the panel on traditional sign and display or incorporate it into other items like shirts, picture frame, badges, bracelets, dash boards, helmets, lightsabers, calculators, cosutmes, saftey items, pet products, and other consumer items.
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electrolumienscent pane, electroluminescence noveltys, safty items