Bulgur is a special food for the people from Middle East Geography, especially for Turks. It can be described as boiled, dried ,cracked wheat by mills.According to the meal, bulgur can be chosen.The kinds are; coarse, extra coarse, fine, extra fine bulgur.
- Bulgur
- Bulgur has a lot of properties as a food material. Some of them are it's taste, easy cooking, it's kinds, it's filling,vitamin and mineral wealth, it's cheapness, long expire date, it has endurance to insects e.t.c.Bran of Bulgur doesn't dissolves in water.Because of that it reduces sugar and fat absorption in body.This prevents of rising blood sugar and blood fat.Bulgur speeds up digestion system in body.If summarize bulgur is the basic of healthy life and special product for vegetarians. Bulgur is rich about B vitamins, iron, phosphorus ,manganese. These elements dissolves in water, also they have endurance to heat.
Main Products
Bulgur, lentil, chickpea, rice, bean, wheat for noahs pudding