Omega Microwave Training Benches are highly accurate and reliable for the study of principles of Microwave Communication. The System includes selection of wave-guide components, power supply, detector and a meter for monitoring the microwave signal. These are offered with exhaustive manuals containing detailed operating instructions, object, theory, design procedures, report suggestions and
book references. The benches are internationally acclaimed product, requires no other apparatus & comes in five set ups.
Technical Specifications:
-- Study the characteristics of reflex klystron; frequency, guide wavelength & free space wavelength
-- Measure the SWR & reflex co-efficient; impedance of load
-- Study the Gunn Oscillator; frequency, guide wavelength & free space wavelength
-- Measure the SWR & reflex co-efficient; impedance of load
-- To measure the polar pattern & gain characteristics of the following antennas:- Pyramidal horn, Pick up horn, Slotted wave guide horn Dielectric horn, Sectorial horn, Parabolic disc Study the Doppler effects
-- Measure the dielectric constant of solids; dielectric constant of liquids; phase shift; 'Q"of a cavity
-- Study the magic tee, directional coupler, Isolator & Circulator; characteristics of detector diode
-- Study the attenuation measurement; return loss measurement
book references. The benches are internationally acclaimed product, requires no other apparatus & comes in five set ups.
Technical Specifications:
-- Study the characteristics of reflex klystron; frequency, guide wavelength & free space wavelength
-- Measure the SWR & reflex co-efficient; impedance of load
-- Study the Gunn Oscillator; frequency, guide wavelength & free space wavelength
-- Measure the SWR & reflex co-efficient; impedance of load
-- To measure the polar pattern & gain characteristics of the following antennas:- Pyramidal horn, Pick up horn, Slotted wave guide horn Dielectric horn, Sectorial horn, Parabolic disc Study the Doppler effects
-- Measure the dielectric constant of solids; dielectric constant of liquids; phase shift; 'Q"of a cavity
-- Study the magic tee, directional coupler, Isolator & Circulator; characteristics of detector diode
-- Study the attenuation measurement; return loss measurement
- ES-501
- The complete Experimental Set-up consists of the following items :
- 1. Klystron power supply solid state digital read out.
- 2. Klystron mount.
- 3. Klystron tube.
- 4. Isolator.
- 5. Frequency meter ( Direct Reading).
- 6. Variable attenuator.
- 7. Slotted section with probe carriage.
- 8. Tunable probe.
- 9. Detector mount.
- 10. Movable short.
- 11. Matched termination.
- 12. VSWR meter, solid state.
- 13. Waveguide stands : 4Nos.
- 14. Slide screw tunner.
- 15. BNC cable : 2 Nos.
- 16. Cooling fan.
- 17. Fixed short.
- ES-502
- The complete Experimental Set-up consists of the following items :
- 1. Gunn power supply.
- 2. Gunn Oscillator.
- 3. Pin modulator.
- 4. Isolator.
- 5. Frequency meter ( Direct Reading).
- 6. Variable attenuator.
- 7. Slotted section with probe carriage.
- 8. Tunable probe.
- 9. Detector mount.
- 10. Movable short.
- 11. Matched termination.
- 12. VSWR meter, solid state.
- 13. Waveguide stands : 4Nos.
- 14. Slide screw tunner.
- 15. BNC cable : 3 Nos.
- ES-503
- The complete Experimental Set-up consists of the following items :
- 1. Klystron power supply solid state digital read out.
- 2. Klystron mount.
- 3. Klystron tube.
- 4. Isolator.
- 5. Frequency meter ( Direct Reading)
- 6. Variable attenuator.
- 7. Radiation pattern turn table.
- 8. Standard gain horn.
- 9. Detector mount.
- 10. Pyramidal horn.
- 11. Pick up horn.
- 12. VSWR meter solid state.
- 13. Board wall slot antenna.
- 14. Narrow wall slot antenna.
- 15. Cooling fan.
- 16. Parabolic disc.
- 17. T-Circulator.
- 18. Coaxial to waveguide adopter : 2 Nos.
- 19. Waveguide twist.
- 20. Movable short.
- 21. Waveguide stands : 4 Nos.
- 22. Waveguide bends : 2 Nos.
- 23. Tripod stand.
- 24. Cable.
- ES-504
- The complete Experimental Set-up consists of the following items :
- 1. Klystron power supply solid state digital read out.
- 2. Klystron mount.
- 3. Klystron tube.
- 4. Isolator.
- 5. Frequency meter ( Direct Reading).
- 6. Variable attenuator.
- 7. Slotted section with carrige.
- 8. Tunable probe.
- 9. Detector mount.
- 10. Solid dielectric cell.
- 11. Liquid dielectric cell.
- 12. VSWR meter, solid state.
- 13. Waveguide stands 4 Nos.
- 14. Wave guide cavity.
- 15. Cooling fan.
- 16. Movable short Precision.
- 17. Phase shifter.
- 18. Set of Solid dielectrics of : Teflon , Nylon, Ebonite etc.
- 19. Cable.
- ES-505
- The complete Experimental Set-up consists of the following items :
- 1. Klystron power supply solid state digital read out.
- 2. Klystron mount.
- 3. Klystron tube.
- 4. Isolator.
- 5. Frequency meter ( Direct Reading).
- 6. Variable attenuator.
- 7. Fixed attenuator - 3db.
- 8. Fixed attenuator - 6db.
- 9. Fixed attenuator - 10db.
- 10. Matched Magic tee.
- 11. Detector mount.
- 12. Movable short.
- 13. Slotted section with carriage.
- 14. VSWR meter solid state.
- 15. Waveguide stands 4 Nos.
- 16. Slide screw tunner.
- 17. Cable.
- 18. Cooling fan.
- 19. Tunable probe.
- 20. Matched termination.
- 21. MHD coupler - 3db.
- 22. MHD coupler - 10db.
- 23. MHD coupler - 20db.
- 24. Three port circulator.
- 25. E - plane tee.
- 26. H - plane tee.
- ISO 9001:2000
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