Packaging Film: the packaging film we make can be made upto five layers with Nylon or EVOH as the barrier layer. This imparts greater barrier proeprties to the film thus making it resistant to gasses, chemicals, moisture etc
We can even make this in three layers of PE i.e. LLD-HD-LLD
We can even make this in three layers of PE i.e. LLD-HD-LLD
- Packaging film (3 Layer)
- We can make three layer packaging film. this kind of a film is used for those products whose shlef life is short. The HD layer is the middle layer and acts as a barrier to moisture and is a good retardant t gasses, etc
- Packaging Film (5 layer)
- we can also make five lyer film with either Nylon or EVOH as the barrier layer. Use of EVOH imparts the greatest barrier properties to the film
- New Deveopment
- WE have recently started manufacture of EVA-Nylon-EVA film This widely used all over the world for packaging of liner bags
Main Products
rigid PVC Film, Packaging film, PVC Pipes & Fittings, Moulded furnitur